As one of the main appraisers in the firm, Jackie has personally been involved in approximately 1000 appraisals since joining ROI Corporation. She has had the privilege of appraising chiropractic, dental, optometry, and veterinary practices throughout Canada. Jackie has been called as an Expert Witness in court to deliver the facts without bias specific to appraisal methodology pertaining to healthcare practices.
Jackie Joachim graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science and has 25 years of experience in the health care sector. She began her career in banking where she learned how to finance health care practices. With 10 years of experience in practice management, she developed and delivered seminars to healthcare professionals across the country, coached hundreds of practitioners for planning, marketing, patient education, human resources and financial management. She has been a key note speaker at both national and provincial association conventions where she has had the privilege of speaking with thousands of practitioners across Canada. Instrumental in helping build the BMO brand in the healthcare sector, Jackie led her own sales team, worked with account managers across the country and strategized with the national head office.
Jackie understands how a practice works and the unique needs of healthcare professionals. Her personal goal for practitioners is to see them be strong business people who are able to take pride in their profession and reap the benefits of their hard work.