Practices For Sale

Ref# 5045

Status: Sold

Location: Ontario

Gross Revenue: N/A

Appraised Value: $341,570

Asking Price: $341,570

Cash Earnings: N/A

Midtown Toronto

(Sale of Goodwill)

We are pleased to offer an immediate opportunity to purchase approximately 450 charts of a well-established general Dental practice located in the Bayview and Eglinton area in midtown Toronto.  Due to the plan of eventual retirement in the coming years, our client is more than happy to offer his patients to another practice that is looking for immediate production growth.  In addition, our client is also available to offer his services for a mutually agreeable period of time in order to ensure a smooth and successful transition for all of his (high-quality) patients to the new office.

In this very competitive market, the ability to instantly add revenue of the roughly 450 active patients via this asset sale is an intelligent business move for any practice owner.  This is an opportunity that should speak to any and all established owners who have the capacity to welcome an instantaneous revenue boon to their practice by adding these conservatively treated patients.

Highlights include:

  • Average monthly collections of roughly $44,000
  • 70% of patients have insurance and no social service patients
  • Excellent accounts receivable
  • Some services referred out that can be kept in house for next owner
  • Approximately 450 active and loyal patients
  • Buyer friendly asset sale
  • High Dental IQ patients

Additional Purchaser/Advisor Information:

  • A goodwill profile will be available upon request
  • Conditional offers can be submitted at anytime. ROI Corporation will prepare all offers on our standard forms for your lawyer’s review
  • Offers should be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to “ROI Corporation IN TRUST” equal to 10% of the offered price for the practice


For more information, please contact Doron Eisenberg, Sales Representative.

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