Profitable Practice Book Review

Category: Dental

Profitable Practice – Book Review – December 2014

It`s a humorous coincidence that reading a book written by Timothy Brown, the CEO of dental brokerage ROI Corporation, would provide dentists with the best return on investment, or ROI, of their careers. In less than 200 pages, industry expert Brown takes readers on an in-depth journey through the dental industry of past, present and future. Brown provides readers with the big picture while simultaneously being detailed and informative. His book covers all relevant topics of opening, operating and selling a practice ranging from how to finance the purchase of an established business to the optimal square footage for a dental office. Despite his brokerage background, he remains factual and unbiased throughout.

It’s well known that modern dental degrees are lacking with regards to the business acumen and people skills required to run a profitable dental practice. Gone are the days when dentists could start their own practices tomorrow and be booked solid for weeks in advance. The industry has evolved- Dentists now require a business strategy to survive in this increasingly saturated and competitive market. Profitable Practice addresses the hard questions, explores the most pressing industry issues and provides solutions to dentist’s biggest problems. The book is entertaining yet informative-It guide’s practitioners in the right direction while simultaneously warning them of mistakes to avoid. This is communicated through real and sometimes extreme examples regarding the successes and misfortunes of past practitioners. Profitable practice has something for everyone-it serves as the complete guide on how to successfully run your dental practice and is a must read for a dentist at any stage in their career.

Connor Long, Esq.
Queens University, MBA (candidate)

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