Practices For Sale

Ref# 2085

Status: Sold

Location: Ontario

Gross Revenue: ~130,000

Appraised Value: N/A

Asking Price: 150,000

Cash Earnings: N/A

Hamilton, Ontario

ROI Corporation is pleased to offer an opportunity to purchase the charts of a 50+ year old practice in the Hamilton area.

Included in this offer is the following:

  • Approximately 250 charts of patients who have attended the practice in the last 12 months
  • Excellent patients with a high dental IQ
  • The phone number for this practice and an introduction letter from the vendor

This is an excellent opportunity to add instant revenue to your practice.

Our client opened a new practice in 2010 approximately 20 minutes and 20 kilometres away. The charts that are available are of those patients that have chosen not to move to the new practice.

The eventual purchaser also has the opportunity to take over the facility which charges approximately $1,200 in monthly rent, all inclusive.  No staff are included in this offering.

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