Our Team

Dr. Jeff Williams

Associate for Atlantic Canada
Region Atlantic Provinces

Dr. Williams is a 1986 graduate from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Dentistry, who embarked on a varied clinical career; one which first took him to Northern Ontario as a hospital-based dentist and then by bush plane to First Nations communities in the region. His eventual return to Atlantic Canada saw him in the roles of associate dentist, part-time lecturer, locum practitioner and owner of a solo practice. Unfortunately, that part of his career came to an end in 1996 when he suffered the partial loss of two fingers on his dominant hand in a carpentry accident.

Dr. Williams went on to complete a Master of Business Administration at Saint Mary’s University, and since 2001 has been an Associate with ROI Corporation. He is also Chair of the Board at CDSPI; where he has been a Director since 2003.  Dr. Williams is a member of the Nova Scotia Dental Association.

In his life outside of dentistry, he owned a six bed long term care facility in his hometown of Tatamagouche, NS for 14 years and was also a Director on the Board of Windsor Elms Village, a 108 bed nursing home for four years. He was also a past elected member of the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board and served a term as Co-chair of the Tatamagouche New School Enhancements Fundraising Committee.  He is currently active in the Tatamagouche Area Trails Association and the Lillian Fraser Memorial Hospital Foundation.  From 2019-2023, Dr. Williams served as a Public Representative on the CPA Nova Scotia (Accountants) Board of Directors.

My Testimonials

  • "Just wanted to let you know the closing went well and everything is done. The purchaser was in today and no one on tomorrow's day sheet cancelled. This might never have happened if you were not so skilled at negotiating and so calm and reassuring with everyone. Thank you for all your efforts.” - P. K. wife of now deceased Practice Owner Dr. S. K, Halifax, NS

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    "The sale of a Dental Practice can be a stressful and complicated process. Jeff Williams at ROI Corporation helped me find a buyer, negotiate a fair price, and navigate through the numerous pitfalls that can occur during the sale of life-long endeavour. Thank you to the professionals at ROI for providing their knowledge and experience through an emotional time." - Dr. G. Peters

My Listings

Ref# Available Location Region Practice Type Revenue Status
5153 16 / 10 / 2024 Atlantic Provinces Nova Scotia General $1,493,442 Conditionally SOLD
4938 22 / 08 / 2023 Atlantic Provinces Saint John, NB General $444,905 Sold
4798 22 / 07 / 2022 Atlantic Provinces Avalon Peninsula, NL General $992,000 Sold
4574 21 / 06 / 2021 Atlantic Provinces Sydney General $1,088,650 Sold
4401 14 / 02 / 2020 Atlantic Provinces St. John's, NL General $508,120 Sold
4253 16 / 01 / 2018 Atlantic Provinces Dartmouth General $649,470 Sold
4252 15 / 01 / 2018 Atlantic Provinces Dartmouth General $753,070 Sold
4205 21 / 06 / 2017 Atlantic Provinces Annapolis Valley, NS General $557,740 Sold
4136 09 / 02 / 2017 Atlantic Provinces St. John's General ~$1,833,600 Sold
4100 05 / 08 / 2016 Atlantic Provinces Halifax General ~$386,400 Sold
3067 22 / 06 / 2016 Atlantic Provinces Fredericton General $1,106,810 Sold
3037 06 / 04 / 2015 Atlantic Provinces St. Stephen General $388,420 Sold
2098 20 / 01 / 2015 Atlantic Provinces PEI General $331,020 Sold