Dr. Williams is a 1986 graduate from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Dentistry, who embarked on a varied clinical career; one which first took him to Northern Ontario as a hospital-based dentist and then by bush plane to First Nations communities in the region. His eventual return to Atlantic Canada saw him in the roles of associate dentist, part-time lecturer, locum practitioner and owner of a solo practice. Unfortunately, that part of his career came to an end in 1996 when he suffered the partial loss of two fingers on his dominant hand in a carpentry accident.
Dr. Williams went on to complete a Master of Business Administration at Saint Mary’s University, and since 2001 has been an Associate with ROI Corporation. He is also Chair of the Board at CDSPI; where he has been a Director since 2003. Dr. Williams is a member of the Nova Scotia Dental Association.
In his life outside of dentistry, he owned a six bed long term care facility in his hometown of Tatamagouche, NS for 14 years and was also a Director on the Board of Windsor Elms Village, a 108 bed nursing home for four years. He was also a past elected member of the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board and served a term as Co-chair of the Tatamagouche New School Enhancements Fundraising Committee. He is currently active in the Tatamagouche Area Trails Association and the Lillian Fraser Memorial Hospital Foundation. From 2019-2023, Dr. Williams served as a Public Representative on the CPA Nova Scotia (Accountants) Board of Directors.